Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Testing, testing...

Lakeridge Oshawa managed to squeeze me in for a CT scan on Sunday, December 14th at 6:30pm! Derek got a break from all the tests and scans - my mother came with me. I had to drink a lot of  broth before going to the scan. I had a rudimentary PICC line inserted into my arm so that the nurse could inject dyes and saline solution into me while the test was running. I also had to drink a super-sized cup of what could best be described as strong pool water. It was horrible. I had one hour to get it in me before the scan. When I went in to the scan I felt like I had entered into the state-of-the-art chamber.  It was pretty cool.  The scan was going to check to see if the cancer cells had spread through my body to places like my neck, spine, lungs, and kidneys.  The entire scan took less than five minutes. When they inject the saline solution you get the strangest taste in your mouth (it tastes the way a band-aid smells when you first unwrap it). The injection also gives you a crazy sensation - kind of really warm and almost like you are wetting yourself - that was so weird! And for the record, no I did NOT wet myself!

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