Monday, January 26, 2015

Some more good news...

We met with my oncologist today for my pre-chemo appointment. She measured my tumor. Good news! It has continued to shrink and become softer. It is now about 4.5cm in size! The chemo is working and doing its job!!! Tomorrow is my fourth chemo treatment and the last of this particular drug before I begin the last four treatments with another drug. The new drug I will be taking shouldn't be quite as nauseating but will make my muscles and joints more sore. I am so happy with the outcome of the first three weeks of chemotherapy. I hope the good news continues...


  1. So so news ever!...After tomorrow that much closer to being done!!
    Hang in there sunshine! xo 💕

  2. The good news will hopefully give you strength to get through the next treatment. Congratulations! After your next treatment you are halfway through. You will be at the top of the hill and now on your way to the finish line. You go girl!!
