Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Just call me Angelina 'Lisa' Jolie...

Well, well, well. I got my results back today from my genetic testing and I tested positive for the BRCA1 gene.  Huh. I need to buy a lottery ticket. Odds were 1 in 400! The BRCA1 gene and genetic testing was made famous by Angelina Jolie. For me now, at least I have a reason that I ended up with breast cancer and at such a young age. This confirms that I will have a bilateral (double) mastectomy (this is at the strong suggestion of the surgeon and the geneticist). I have also come to learn that the results have another implication for me. It is highly recommended and suggested that I have my ovaries removed as well. Because of the BRCA1 gene, I am at a much higher risk of getting ovarian cancer. Dang. It's a good thing that we were not wanting anymore children! As far as my family goes, testing needs to be done on my mother, father and brother.  We also need to let uncles know of the results as they will also need to get tested for the genetic mutation. Some good news in all this is that the BRCA2 gene poses more problems for males - it greatly increases their risk of prostate cancer, more so than the BRCA1 gene. For me, that's better news for my son. Still scares the hell out of me though. There is a 50% chance that I have passed this genetic mutation on to my son...

1 comment:

  1. Wow Mrs Pitt
    That is a lot of news to take in. You are so incredibly strong and determined Lis you can do anything. And you have the most incredible family and little guy. Every entry you make inspires me more. Xox
