Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ringing that chemo bell...

CHEMOTHERAPY IS COMPLETED! I am elated! No more appointments, no more blood work, no more poison in my body. My PICC line was pulled out at the end of the chemo treatment and again, I am so happy! I could never quite get comfortable with the PICC line. The dressing for the PICC line was bulky and cumbersome and terribly inconvenient! It feels like a giant weight has been lifted from my chest (probably the giant tumor I had in my chest!). I am free to recover and be as healthy as I can moving forward after this weekend. When I feel crummy and in pain I like to have pizza and McDonald's (perhaps a cheeseburger happy meal - and for those that know me really well - extra pickles, extra onions).  These are two of my guilty food pleasures! I have two others but that's enough for now :-)  I am going to focus on recreating more positive energy and thoughts. I can't wait to not have a health care worker come to our house once a week to change the dressing on my and around my PICC line and to give me injections. I feel like I can go back to being as normal as I can. I was so excited when my chemo treatment finished and they pulled that chemo PICC line out (which you can't feel at all). It was time to ring the chemo bell! And ring that damn bell I did! I was so happy that my Mom, my Mother-in-law, and my amazing friend (and the fantastic photographer) could be there to wrap up my treatment. It meant the world to me. My dear husband would have been standing by my side but he was away at a work conference. When you ring the bell the nurses all clap and some of the chemo patients join in. It's pretty cool! I felt bad for any people that were sleeping or those poor people that were starting off their chemo journey or just having their treatment because I didn't care! I wanted to ring that bell (I kinda almost wanted to break that damn bell) and go out with a bang! And so I did...

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


  1. Amazing Lisa..I am sooo happy and proud of you. You are incredible. I wish you an amazing journey ahead...xoxo and I am sure those around you starting their chemo journey were looking at you as inspiration, because that's what you are xox

  2. We are all sitting here tonight and after reading your blog there is not a dry eye, we have followed you through out this journey and your family here is so incredibly proud of you, you have stood brave though out and are truly an inspiration to us all, we couldn't be happier for you Derek & Ry, here's to double cheeseburgers with extra pickles & onions and a glass of red with your name on it, we love you sunshine and once again you have proven yourself as iamonetoughchick. with all our love...xoxo

  3. Ring that bell with great pride! You should be a facilitator to help others going through what you have just been through. Help others with your positivity! So happy and proud of you for your journey through this!

  4. Woo hooo! Well done, Yin! :-)

  5. Sitting here with tears running down my cheeks as I look at your beautiful smile as you rang that bell! Way to go girl! You did it! This first huge hurdle has been accomplished! Youre strength and determination is by far the biggest inspiration I've been surrounded by in a long time ! Xoxoxoxoxooxoxo

  6. Me too Danielle! I just LOVE this..."I wanted to ring that bell (I kinda almost wanted to break that damn bell) and go out with a bang! And so I did..." So amazing Lisa, YOU DID IT!! Such strength and positivity! You are an inspiration! I love love love the pictures! Congratulations!!!! XOXO
