On the 8th of December we made the trek to Sunnybrook
hospital to meet with another surgeon. She confirmed everything the first
surgeon told us. She also told us that due to the size of the tumor and the
triple negative effect, we would be starting with chemotherapy.
Sunnybrook was so busy and sooooo expensive. A 16 day parking pass was
$225! 10 days at Lakeridge was $76. The cafeteria at Sunnybrook was also
extremely expensive - at least at Lakeridge Oshawa the prices reflect normal
and typical costs for Subway, Pizza Pizza and Tim Hortons. At Sunnybrook we
would have our own nurse to follow us through the journey from the beginning,
right to the end. We wouldn't have to worry about scheduling appointments - our
nurse would do all the scheduling and let us know where we need to be and when.
They also offer something called 'My Chart' where I would have access to all my
reports, results and appointments. I could print off any reports/results
whenever I wanted. We thought that was pretty cool. Sunnybrook also offered us
social workers, psychologists, a dietician, really anyone that we could think
of to help us through this...hellish ride we were about you embark on...
Lisa, thank you for sharing your journey with us! You really are one tough chick! The road ahead is going to be full of ups and downs...always remember you have MANY friends and family behind you and we are here to support you however we can! We believe in you and we know you will beat this!!!! Thinking of you each and every day! Xo