Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Definitely helps to keep cool this summer...

My hair is really growing back now. I would say that it is close to, if not an inch long now. I never wear my wig anymore and don't wear hats now unless I feel like it. It feel so soft and it is growing back a colour that is very close to my natural colour. I'm not sure yet if it will be straight or curly. Not one grey hair has appeared on my head (before or after chemo). I'm going for my second hair cut tomorrow - just a trim around the edges but it feels so awesome to walk into a salon again. It's a cool pixie look now. I've had a number of people tell me that it looks good on me, and that it suits me. Some have even encouraged me to keep my hair this way. I have to say that I would be tempted to do that except every time I look in a mirror, I still see a bald head at first glance. I realize I have a decent amount of hair back but I can still see that shape of my head. It is still a constant reminder of what I went through and how far I still have to go. I am really looking forward to having enough hair grown back to put it in a ponytail again. Funny thing, when I asked my son when he felt it would be okay for me to go without a wig or hat, he said to me, "Mommy, you know when you do this with your hair (using his fingers to sweep it back from my face)?' I wasn't sure where he was going with this but I replied that yes, I knew what he meant. He then said, "And then you put it in that 'pony' thing?" I immediately replied, "Yes, I know what you mean and no, I'm not waiting that long." I then explained to him that we were going to a function with all of my friends and he could see for himself that they weren't going to laugh at me, or think I'm a man (his biggest fear). When my son saw that everyone accepted me as I was and didn't make me (or him) feel uncomfortable, he's been cool with my short hair ever since. Even when we are around his friends or around people that we don't know, he's totally cool with my hair now. Speaking of, it's not so bad having short hair for the summer. It is so much cooler than I have ever known. Can't wait for it to grow back though! Can't wait...

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