Tuesday, March 10, 2015

And then there was one...

I had my second to last chemo treatment today. It was long but not bad. It probably helped knowing that I only had one more to go and that I was feeling good. The nurses gave me something to combat my anxiety and to help me with my reaction to the Benedryl prior to beginning treatment. I had a small/mild reaction to the Benedryl that lasted for maybe five minutes but nothing like the last two times. Then, off to sleep I went. I managed to sleep for just about the full four hours.  It was beautiful. The nurses only woke me up when they needed to take my blood pressure or heart rate. The four hours flew by. I didn't feel sick and I had no anxiety. This will definitely be the way we handle me LAST treatment! I was a bit out of it, feeling groggy when my mom and I left the hospital. Since then, I have recovered and have bounced back nicely. I feel good now, although tired. I'm sure I will wake up feeling decent tomorrow, until I get my injection later in the afternoon.  Three to five hours later all the aches and pains will begin for the next four to five days. That's okay. Keep my eye on the prize. Only one more chemotherapy treatment to go...

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have...


  1. Tears of joy for you today, your pictures, your words so incredibly moving, I am so proud of you for your strength and courage...you are truly amazing, once more so proud to call you my friend...smiling with love for you sunshine xoxo
    You are almost there!

  2. I love this picture... You are truly beautiful

  3. WOW! All I can say is wow! The photos are amazing (kudos to the great photographer), and this one is the most special. That SMILE! My god that smile is the best. Regardless of what kind of day I've had I look forward to reading your blog because you are so positive and uplifting. Thank you for what you do for others by sharing your story.

  4. Hi Lisa, I have been following your story and wanted to let you know that you have been such an inspiration to me as I go through the same battle. I had my lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed on Dec 12 (depending on the genetic testing if more surgery is needed ) I have just started my second round of chemo. Not sure how the next few days will be but I'm ready, I can now see light at the end of the road. I wanted to say thank you! You have helped me a lot through this difficult time. These pictures and you are gorgeous! Stay tough and strong you are only given what you can handle!!! thank you!

  5. Absolutely beautiful Lisa ♡♡♡
